Luxurious Recliner Beds!

Lounge. Work. Sleep.

We at Zero-G Beds believe, that any product that is put out in the world, needs to respond to the time in which we live in! We have not only seen but also experienced how our lifestyles have substantially changed. This new condition may compromise maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And hence we have introduced Zero-G Recliner Beds which takes care of your entire being. Resting, sleeping or lounging on elevation that’s most comfortable to you can result in a myriad of benefits for your overall health and wellbeing.

Zero-G Beds are ideal recliner beds for anyone who is looking for lifestyle benefits. Simply use an app on your mobile or a wireless remote control, and easily adjust the elevations at the head or foot area. Say bye-bye to the struggles of piling up pillows to support your back or neck while you sit on your bed. You can now recline the bed at angles that's most comfortable for you to relax, read, browse on laptop, watch TV or to simply have a snack!

Choose Your Luxury Moment!

Lifestyle Benefits

  • The elevations allow you to sit up comfortably by providing correct posture to your body to work on a laptop, read, enjoy snacks or to watch TV without straining your back or neck
  • The recliners make an excellent choice for pregnant women and nursing moms because of the perfect lumber support that they provide
  • The beds ability to raise the head area makes it easy for senior citizens to get in and out of bed by giving them ample back, neck and shoulder support

Health Benefits

  • Resting or sleeping in zero gravity position or on elevations comfortable to you can help relieve neck, muscle, leg, back and joint pains. The beds reclining capabilities are excellent for alleviating snoring by opening the airways, relieving chest congestion and reducing sleep apnea. This can let you sleep more deeply than you did on flatbed and make you wake up more refreshed
  • When the upper body is elevated, the digestive system can function properly, allowing you to fall asleep quickly. Also, proper digestion can promote weight loss, improves mood, and gives more energy
  • Relaxing or sleeping with raised foot area can also improve blood circulation. The lift can allow blood to flow more efficiently throughout your body, which can help reduce swelling, promote healing, and help prevent blood clots


Zero-G Beds

Convert Your

Existing Bed into a

Recliner Bed

Special Features


Mobile &


LED Lights &
Retainer Rails




